Frequently Asked Questions about The Mortimer Community Benefit Society
The following information reflects the most commonly asked questions regarding the community purchase of The Bell Inn and has been arranged in a number of key themes. The statements will be reviewed at each formal Management Committee meeting and revised as necessary as the project to reopen the Bell progresses.

How did you select a suitable tenant?
This has proved more difficult than was first envisaged. The Bell is in a rural village which is not on any main roads. This limits passing trade. Yarpole has approximately 500 residents; not enough to generate a regular income for the pub. In order to succeed the Bell needs to attract people from outside the area. This means that it needs to build up a reputation. 3 tenants have failed to do this and this makes our current position more difficult. The committee hopes that by running the Bell as a community venture (and there are now over 300 Community pubs in the UK) that it will be possible to show that the Bell can make a profit. This would make finding a suitable tenant easier.

​How does the Society intend to repay the short-term loans used to buy the pub and secure additional funding going forward?
After 3 years the current committee has made the repayment of the pub loans a priority in order to ensure the future security of the Bell. We have approached all the current loan providers and have negotiated repayment terms. The MCBS is now repaying all the loan providers on a regular basis.
The MCBS can secure additional investment to develop the pub is being supported by a combination of the following:
• Increasing share capital
• Securing a commercial loan 
• Securing additional grants or loans
• Approaching the Parish Council for additional loans and grants.

What work has been carried out at the pub?
A comprehensive list of works is constantly being carried-out, including…
• Essential regulatory work such as gas, electrics, heating, sanitation, licensing requirements etc.
• Essential repairs and upgrades to the interior and exterior of the pub
• Improvements in the heating and insulation
• Making improvements to the tenants’ accommodation
• Replacing the cold store 
• Maintenance of the gardens, exteriors fencing and outbuildings etc.
Initially around £28k was spent on refurbishing the pub. There is now a rolling five year maintenance plan, tasks are undertaken by volunteers or by professionals as funds become available.

What are the plans for the garden?
The gardens have been replanted and are maintained by a community garden group which allows many of the experienced and non-experienced gardeners in the village to be involved. Work is still needed on the hedges and fencing at the rear. 

How will you keep us up to date?
We will schedule further public meetings as and when it becomes necessary, provide regular updates via email and display posters around the parish. We will also provide updates in The Parishioner and on this website. 
All members of the committee can be contacted personally to discuss any issues that arise.
We will ensure that the shareholders and the wider community are fully consulted before any major decisions are taken regarding any changes to the use of the pub or the adjacent land.
Some developments in the future may need to be formally put forward to the shareholders for consideration and a vote as to how to proceed. The Mortimer CBS Model Rules for a Community Benefit Society explains this more fully and in all likelihood these decisions will need to be made as part of an Annual Members Meeting (A.M.M.)

How might the site be developed in the future?
In our first Business Plan and in our Shareholder Prospectus, we discussed the potential development of the land at the back of the pub. There are no long terms plans to develop the site and the community and shareholders will be fully consulted before anything is taken forward. In the short term the land available for use by the pub tenants in support of their business.

How will the pub be marketed?
We will support any new tenants to ensure that the ‘The Bell at Yarpole’, is fully marketed via a website and social media, as well as traditional methods such as banners and signage. The tenants will operate the new website, the domain of which is owned by The Mortimer CBS.

Share purchase and Business Plan

How much do the shares cost?
Shares are sold at a value of £50 each, with a minimum investment of 2 shares with a value of £100. Additional shares may be bought in increments of £50 up to a maximum holding of £50,000.

How is the money I invest in shares protected?
The Society is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and operates under the provisions of the Cooperative and Community Benefit Societies Act which has strict rules to protect your investment.

Could I lose money buying shares in The Bell?
It’s extremely unlikely that you would lose money; however there is a very small element of risk involved as outlined in our Share Prospectus.

Will I receive any interest on the shares?
Yes, but not until the MCBS finances allow – the target we have for interest payable is 3% but that depends on how well the pub does.

What happens if the pub business fails?
In that event, the pub and land would be sold with money returned to shareholder members. Any monetary gain would be kept for use by the community by The Mortimer CBS. No individuals will benefit personally.

Can I make a donation without being a shareholder?
Yes; any money donated will be used exclusively to support this project; nobody is being paid to run the Society.

How are the members of the Management Committee selected?
The existing management committee were elected by the members at the last Annual Members Meeting or they have been co-opted onto the committee as required. The next A.M.M. will be held in October 2024.
The process allows both the existing committee members and other shareholders to stand for up to 12 places on the committee and to be elected through a transparent process. The rules governing this process are all laid out in The Mortimer CBS Model Rules for a Community Benefit Society.

Does having more shares mean more influence on how the pub is run?
No, all shareholders have absolute parity – one member, one vote.

If you have any questions you would like answered, please email themortimercbs@gmail.com or speak to a member of the Management Committee.
Contact details are on the Contact Us section of the website.